Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Check out this little Jackson story...So Saturday night we are having family game night after getting Carson down for the count. We were playing Monopoly Junior for the first time with Jackson (our 5 yr. old). I had developed this routine of telling someone when they would land on my property (and thus be required to buy lemonade) "Thank you for buying lemonade from me today. I sure hope it tastes good on a hot day like today" or something similar. Well, Kim lands on my property and I say: "That'll be two bucks, I sure hope you enjoy it" and Jackson chimes in:

"Yeah, especially since Daddy farted in it before he gave it to you!"

1 comment:

LaShawn said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I love the backstory of how your site came into being. I have often thought of starting on specifically for all of my family.