Thursday, February 9, 2006


Updates seem to be coming further and further apart, huh? TWN has been put on the back burner for well over a month now. I just hope the readers don’t give up on me!

We finally took Carson in for his first haircut. He did great and it was much needed. Here are some shots from that experience. I also thought I would add a picture from Jackson's first haircut, for those interested in the comparison.

I also wanted to send a shout out to my Aunt Pat…She had an unexpected scare this month. After having really bad chest pains she went into the hospital and then next thing she knew she was having bypass surgery. Sounds like she is progressing and may be able to go home within a few days. We love you, Aunt Pat! We have been praying for you. Stay positive and take care of yourself….Do what your doctors tell you and don't get stubborn about it!

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