Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Carse says bye-bye to the crib

During the middle of the night Sunday night, Carson wakes up and decides to climb out of his crib. Typically when he wakes up during the night, he immediately starts whimpering...and he has never tried to get out of his crib. Well, all of a sudden we hear a load crash through the monitor and then crying, and then he comes trotting into our bedroom just as we are beginning to realize what has happened. He seemed fine and fell asleep in our bed moments later. We put him back in bed after a little while and then in the morning when I go to wake him up I see the huge black eye. He looked like Rocky Balboa after a fight with Apollo Creed.

So needless to say after I got home from work last night I converted his bed into a toddler bed. He actually did fine with it last night and only got up once and Kim used the SuperNanny technique and he went to sleep after just a few minutes. So in a span of about 5 weeks, he has reached a couple of real nice milestones in saying farewell to his pacifiers and his crib.

Also, I wanted to mention that I have been playing with this new photoediting software....check the previous post of Jackson's graduation and see what I did with the picture of him in from of the garden at school. Here is a picture of Carson from October, 2005. I always thought his eyes were a brilliant blue color in that particular shot, so I decided to play with it and here is what I came up with.

I think the thing that is really cool about this is that those shades of blue are not edited in any way. Those are the actual colors from the original photograph.


Oda Daddy said...

Cool, looks like both your boys are growin' up. Congrats...
What photo editing program are you using? Looks good.


Dan said...

Very cool shot. Kind of like the whole theme of "Rumblefish," where the only color was blue.