Monday, April 23, 2007

My last post was three weeks ago. It is getting harder and harder for me to make time to post on here. Work has been a real challenge and it just seems like every single day, weekends included are jam-packed and I am completely exhausted by 9pm, when I generally take the time to post. I am pooped right now but I made myself get off the couch and sit down at the computer. There are several things that i would like to post on so hrer goes.

Thanks to my Aunt Frannie for sending the pics of little Brennen. I don't get too many contributions, so when I do I want to make sure I get them on here. Sounds like the little furry headed one is doing fine, although he did go through a rough time and needed 2 surgeries in less than a week for a narrow passage leading out of his stomach. Sounds like things were fine after the second surgery and he has really started eating now that he is digesting properly. This picture was taken at Easter, right after his surgeries. Awwww!

I also wanted to make sure I put on here the interesting evening with Carson about a week ago. We were sitting there having dinner, tacos, black beans and corn, and then Carse started acting funny. We quickly realized that he had crammed a piece of corn in his nose! We got a kleenex and he quickly blew it out on the first blow. We thought that was all there was to it but then 5 minutes later he is acting funny again and we had watched him close to make sure that he didn't do it again. We get to looking and he has another kernal shoved even further up there. It was so far up there that we couldn't even see it every time we looked. It was like it was moving around in there. Well, then he decided that he would not be blowing his nose any more. So Kim and I were thinking this piece of corn was going to cost us a trip to the ER and several hundred dollars. He got increasingly irritated and so did we. Finally, Jackson saved the day. Jackson blew his nose in front of Carse and we just praised and praised him and did hugs and high fives. Carse immediately looked jealous so we quickly got a kleenex up to his nose and BLAST! He blew and the kernal shot out like rocket into the Kleenex. I was so dang happy to see that piece of corn out of his nose. Check out the visual documentation.

What else....well Kim and Carse both had visits to the ENT doctor and left with not great news. Kim has a nasal polyp and Carson has already lost one of his ear tubes. On the bright side, surgery is not an immediate requirement for Kim....she will try other techniques to deal with it and try to pacify it. I'm sure that she is real happy that I am discussing her nasal polyp for all to know...The other major part to this is that the ENT doctor says that Cosmo must leave our house. He needs to live elsewhere or become an outdoor cat. Not sure how this will play out. He is a big wimp and we're not sure he will do alright as an 11 year old first time outdoor kitty. We will see what happens. As for Carson, his left tube is out, and has likely been out for a month or so. the drum has sealed back shut and there is some fluid buildup behind the drum. There is no infection right now, but it still is not great news. We got what, 7-8 months out of the tube in his left ear. Right ear still has a tube.

Tee-Ball has started back up. Jackson's second and final year of tee-ball. He is doing great so far and enjoying it. There are not many second year players on the team so he kinda stands out right now. We are the A's and it sure bring back some memories for me. I was on the A's for two years in Little League so it is cool to see my little Jackson sporting the A's hat and playing baseball.

Work has been a real challenge of late....I basically go in there and bust my tail all day long, often tooo busy to stop for lunch, and then when I leave there is still 12 unattended things on my to-do list. I just cannot catch up. I did get a really good eval and my bosses are making every effort to increase my hours (and subsequently my salary). I hate to spend another 5 hours a week at work instead of home, but we need the money and I need the extra time at work in order to be capable of doing my job properly. But we will have to wait and see if it gets approved by the County Council. With all the HR stuff I have been doing...screening applicants, doing interviews, checking refs, initial orientation and employment paperwork, and then initial training....bottom line is that it is keeping me from doing all the things that I really need to do.

OK, I'm tired and ready to zone out.

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