Thursday, May 18, 2006

I’m always encouraging people to report interesting news to TWN and I really don’t get many contributions, so when I do I get excited. The following news event is out of Texarkana, Texas. The source was my Aunt Mary Wilson.


Mary Wilson has endured the last several days under the surveillance of a black racer snake and she has been living in fear of this vicious creature that has posed a legitimate threat to her life. There have been multiple sighting and interactions with this animal since an initial incident occurred several days ago on the property. According to Ms. Wilson, she was in the process of clearing leaves and debris from the edge of their property with her commercial heavy duty leaf blower. Apparently this device is very high power and is strapped to the operator’s back, similar to what the Ghostbusters use to zap ghosts with. As Mary was blowing the leaves off the property, she uncovered a Black Racer Snake described as being about 4 feet in length. Much to her surprise, the power of the leaf blower began lifting the snake of the ground and the animal actually levitated over the ground for a considerable amount of time. As the snake was hanging in the air, Mary was faced with a decision, either to take off the equipment on her back or to just start running. Either way, she knew she needed to get the hell away from the snake as quickly as possible. She elected to leave the equipment on her back and haul ass back to the house (can’t you just envision her sprinting towards the house as fast as she can with this enormous pack on her back?). She reported that she got back to the house, where the Wilster was relaxing with a nice cold beer. After she explained what had happened, the two of them headed back over to the site of the incident and the snake was still there, dazed and confused. The Wilster identified the snake as a Black Racer. A few days later, the same snake was waiting at the end of the driveway near the mailbox as Mary made her daily walk out to get the mail. The snake began chasing her back to the house, but halfway down the driveway took a 90 degree turn back into the yard where it has been stalking her ever since. Mary is considering getting a restraining order against the snake, but is uncertain if a judge would grant this wish regarding an animal. She has asked her Sunday school class to pray for the safety of her and her family as she deals with the crisis and recovers from such a traumatic set of circumstances.

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